2491 Winchester Rd., Memphis, TN 38116
+1 901 922 8000

ADA Policies & Compliance

ADA Compliance

The Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority (MSCAA), as owner and operator of Memphis International Airport, Charles A. Baker Airport, and General Dewitt Spain Airport, does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities.

This notice is provided as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and 504 federal legislation, is required to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical and mental limitations of otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities.

To help provide the best possible service to our travelers and visitors, any unlawful acts should be reported to the ADA/504 Compliance Coordinator, Toni Williams, 2491 Winchester Road, Suite 113, Memphis, TN 38116, 901-922-0178, TWilliams@flymemphis.com.

For complaints involving TSA security checkpoints, contact Transportation Security Administration at www.tsa.gov. For complaints involving airline operators, contact Aviation Consumer Protection and Enforcement at www.dot.gov/airconsumer.


ADA Reasonable Modification Policy

Reasonable Modification Policy
In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), it is the policy of the Memphis International Airport (MEM or Airport) to provide individuals with disabilities with a reasonable modification to its policies, practices, and procedures to ensure access to Airport programs, facilities, and activities.

Requesting a Reasonable Modification
A reasonable modification is a change or exception to a policy, practice, or procedure that allows people with disabilities to have equal access to programs, services, and activities. Reasonable modifications must always be related to the individual’s specific limitation caused by the disability. When requesting a reasonable modification to an Airport program or service, an individual with a disability is not required to provide a medical documentation or diagnosis to justify their request, but they must be able to explain how their disability is related to the requested modification.

MEM considers all requests for reasonable modifications of its policies, practices or procedures when necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability. MEM is not required to grant requests for reasonable modifications that would fundamentally alter the nature of the MEM’s services, programs or activities. Due to the fact-specific nature of requests, individual decisions and one-time modifications are not precedential. If a modification is determined later to be unnecessary for the requesting individual to use a requested service, a fundamental alteration, or unsafe for other person(s) or property, MEM may discontinue or change the modification.

How to Make a Request for Reasonable Modification

  1. Whenever possible, individuals should make such requests for modifications before MEM is expected to provide the modification. A customer requesting a reasonable modification must describe the modification requested and basis for the modification (i.e., how your disability is related to the requested modification). The requestor is not required to use the term “reasonable modification” when making a request. Designated staff will make determination and communicate the same to the customer within one (1) to fifteen (15) days from the date of request. Advance requests may be made as follows:
    a. Requests may be submitted by filling out this form and emailing it to email to ADA@flymemphis.com.
    b. Requests may be made through the online ADA Reasonable Modifications form here: https://flymemphis.com/ada-reasonable-modification-request/
    c. Requests may be made by phone at 901-922-0178
  2. When a request for modification cannot be practicably made and determined in advance (i.e. because of a condition or barrier which the individual with a disability was unaware until arriving), the operating personnel will make a timely determination so long as their actions do not result in a direct threat to the health and safety of others or fundamental alteration. For example, Traffic Customer Service Specialists may make appropriate parking/loading/unloading accommodations for persons with disabilities who request assistance as needed. It is important to note that MEM may be limited in its ability to accommodate immediate or same day requests.
  3. If the modification is not approved, MEM will provide the basis for denial. Modification requests may be denied on the following grounds:
    a. modification would fundamentally alter the nature of MEM’s service, programs, or activities;
    b. modification could create a direct threat to the health or safety of the requestor or others;
    c. modification would create an undue financial or administrative burden for MEM; or
    d. the individual with a disability is fully able to access MEM’s services, programs, or activities without the modification.

Any person who believes she or he has been discriminated against in obtaining a reasonable modification may file a formal complaint pursuant to MEM’s ADA Grievance Procedure found below.

Any questions regarding the Reasonable Modifications Policy or the request process may be directed to the designated ADA contact:
Toni Williams

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard Program

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard Program was designed to assist travelers with hidden disabilities. The program began in London’s Gatwick Airport in 2016. It is now recognized by most airports in the UK as well as a growing number of U.S. airports.

The lanyards, which are free for passengers, allow those with hidden disabilities to discreetly indicate they might need additional assistance from employees, such as extra time needed at check-in or security, escorting to gates, or assistance with reading signage or other airport procedures. No documentation is required for those requesting the sunflower lanyard.

» Request a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard here

ADA Grievance Procedure

The Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority (MSCAA) has adopted an internal grievance (Title II §35.107) procedure for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any actions prohibited by the U.S. Department of Justice regulations implementing Title II (public, state and local government) of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Title II states, in part, that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual shall, solely by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination” in programs or activities sponsored by a public entity.  MSCAA will take steps to prevent the recurrence of any harassment and/or discrimination, if appropriate.

A complaint should be filed within 180 days (Title II §35.170) after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation. (Processing of allegations of discrimination, which took place before this grievance procedure was in effect, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.)

An investigation, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of the complaint. The investigation shall be conducted by either the ADA/504 Coordinator or the Human Resources Department, depending upon the nature of the grievance. These rules anticipate informal but thorough investigations, affording all interested persons and their representatives an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a complaint.

A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution shall be issued by either the ADA/504 Coordinator or the Human Resources Department, and a copy will be forwarded to the complainant no later than fifteen (15) working days after its filing.

The ADA/504 Coordinator shall maintain the files and records of the Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, relating to complaints filed.

Complaints may be made through the online ADA Reasonable Modifications & Complaints form here: https://flymemphis.com/ada-reasonable-modification-request/.