Open Bids/RFPs/RFQs
- RFB No. 18-1421-01 Charles Baker Airport – RW 18 Approach Clearing – Construction
- RFB No. 19-1423-37-01 Cargo 2 Building Roof Replacement
- RFB No. 20-1440-01 Dewitt Spain Airport Apron Rehabilitation – Construction
- RFB No. 24-0011 ARFF Overhead Door Replacement – Re-bid
- RFP No. 24-1477-00 Parking Guidance System
- RFP No. 25-0008 Uniform Rental Services
- RFQ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Consulting Services (Coming Soon)
- RFQ No. 25-0004 Emergency Planning Consultant Services
Dear Valued Vendors: MEM’s bid listings will be transitioning to a new eProcurement solution (OpenGov) for publishing solicitations, and receiving vendor responses. Register your account early to begin receiving email notifications for MEM’s Bid/RFP/RFQ opportunities. Registration is 100% free for vendors!
Do you want to receive Bid/RFP/RFQ notifications?
Please register with us at to be notified of solicitations.
Responses to all Request for Bids, Request for Proposals and Request for Qualifications must be delivered to 4150 Louis Carruthers Drive, Memphis TN 38118 during normal business hours. The normal business hours for this location is 7 AM – 3:30 PM local time.
Responses to all Request for Bids will be opened and publicly read thirty (30) minutes after the response deadline either via Zoom meeting OR at the Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority’s Project Center located at 4225 Airways Blvd., Memphis, Tennessee 38116. Bid may be opened at the Project Center or via Zoom, please check the bid document for instructions.
A listing of all proposers responding to Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications will be posted to the Authority’s website one (1) hour after the response deadline. Responses to Requests for Proposals and Requests for Qualifications will not be publicly opened.
Bidders and respondents who submit a response to a request for bids, qualifications, or proposals may protest a decision of the Authority in connection with the award of a contract for same in accordance with Authority policy. Please click here for a copy of the policy.
In accord with Authority policies, the Authority reserves the right to reject Respondents who have pending litigation or claims with the Authority or who propose to use subcontractor(s) or supplier(s) with pending litigation or claims with the Authority. At this time, there are no known companies who have pending litigation or claims with the Authority.