Launched in the spring of 2016 by Paradies Lagardère, which operates retail stores at Memphis International Airport, “Treat Our Troops” has proven to be a popular way for Memphis passengers to give back to the military. “Treat Our Troops” gives travelers the opportunity to donate various items to U.S. military troops across the world. In 2016, Memphis passengers donated 14,167 items to troops serving abroad and thus far in 2017, 9,296 items have been donated. More than 1.2 million items have been donated through the overall Treat Our Troops program.
This effort delivers a wide variety of useful items such as snacks, beverages, toiletries, reading materials, and electronics to military personnel across the world. Shoppers will be given the opportunity to purchase these items, which will then be placed in a collection box and shipped to the United Service Organization (USO) in Nashville. Baskets with possible donation items will be placed in the following retail stores at MEM:
A Concourse: River City News and Gifts
B Concourse: River City News and Gifts (ticketing), River City News and Gifts (near security checkpoint), CNBC News, River City Travel Mart, Heritage Bookstore, Memphis Explore
C Concourse: River City News and Gifts, CNBC News