MEMPHIS, TN (January 18, 2018) – Third quarter 2017 data released by the Department of Transportation (DOT) reflects a continued decrease in the average airfares at Memphis International Airport (MEM).
- MEM’s average airfare for 3rd quarter 2017 was $379.29, a decrease of $26.32 compared to 2nd quarter 2017, and a decrease of $16.68 compared to 3rd quarter 2016.
- Average airfare at MEM has dropped $181.29 (inflation-adjusted) since its high point in the 1st quarter of 2012, when MEM was operating as a hub for Delta Air Lines.
- The airfare decrease comes at a time when MEM has experienced significant passenger growth. Nearly 200,000 additional passengers traveled through MEM in 2017, a 4.88% increase compared to 2016. The airport exceeded 4 million passengers in 2017.
Pace Cooper, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority, said “Passenger growth coupled with falling fares is a tremendous combination for Memphis. We’re continuing to work hard to add flight options to help continue these trends.”
Additional information is available at http://www.transtats.bts.gov/AverageFare/