MEMPHIS, TN (February 21, 2018) — In preparation for its B Concourse modernization project, Memphis International Airport (MEM) will host the MEM Modernization Pre-Bid Networking Forum at the Holiday Inn University of Memphis (3700 Central Ave.) on Thursday, March 8 from 8-10:30 am.
The airport recently received statements of qualifications from contractors for the concourse modernization construction. At the networking forum, attendees will hear from airport officials, learn about the bidding process, gain insight into the regulatory and procedural requirements for the project, learn how to submit questions for formal review, and meet the eligible bidders who are being evaluated through the current RFQ process. Local, minority-owned and women-owned businesses are encouraged to attend to learn more about subcontracting opportunities. Attendees can learn more at www.flymemphis.com/prebidforum.
“Our modernization project is one that will reinvent the travel experience at MEM,” said Scott Brockman, President and CEO of the Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority. “At the same time, it represents a significant opportunity to potential contractors, and this event will give prospective contractors and subcontractors an opportunity to network and solidify partnerships.”
The project will modernize and consolidate airline and retail operations in Concourse B. The multiphase, multiyear plan includes the addition of moving walkways, wider corridors, larger boarding areas, higher ceilings and natural lighting. Concourse B will be closed for construction during the project, with all airline and retail operations located in the A and C Concourses during that time. Construction on Concourse B is expected to begin this summer. More information about the project can be found at www.flymemphis.com/modernization.