MEMPHIS, TN (October 3, 2022) – Memphis Shelby County Airport Authority (MSCAA) will host public information meetings on October 25 and 26 to present details of its current Master Plan Update (MPU). Both sessions will be held in the Central Ballroom of the Holiday Inn – University of Memphis (3700 Central Avenue Memphis, TN 38125) on the following dates and times:
- Tuesday October 25, 2022, from 4pm to 8pm
- Wednesday October 26, 2022, from 10am to 2pm
The purpose of the MPU is to provide a plan to guide future development of Memphis International Airport (MEM), General Dewitt Spain Airport, Charles W. Baker Airport over a 20-year planning period. In 2018, MSCAA commissioned a comprehensive MPU for each airport. The process was slowed by the pandemic but is now in the latter stages of completion.
These informational meetings will allow the public to learn about the master planning process, current inventory of existing facilities, forecasts of future demand, facility needs, alternatives considered to accommodate the needs of the three airports, and which alternatives will best meet the goals and objectives of the MSCAA. The meetings will be town hall style with exhibits that summarize various aspects of the work completed to date. Attendees will be able to review at their own pace and staff will be available to answer questions. Both meetings will feature the same content and format.
Attendees will have the opportunity to submit comments at the event and afterwards through the MSCAA website. Attendees may come at any time during each session.
For more information, please email info@flymemphis.com or visit https://flymemphis.com/master-plan.