Project on schedule to be completed in mid-2021
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (August 27, 2020) – Despite the pandemic’s effects on passenger travel, Memphis International Airport’s (MEM’s) concourse modernization project continues to progress. With exterior work nearly completed, the focus of the project has shifted to the interior of the redesigned concourse, with tasks including the installation of metal framing, finishes and ceiling tile.
Other current work includes installation of terrazzo, storefront/glazing, and electrical and mechanical systems. Apron pavement has been replaced around the concourse, and the airport has installed the jet bridge foundations and associated utilities. This includes the recent installation of a new passenger jet bridge at gate B-3. The project is scheduled to be completed in mid-2021.
The Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority Board of Commissioners recently approved a contract with seating manufacturer Arconas to provide new gate hold room seating. Each seat will feature a cup holder and electrical connection, increasing convenience for passengers.
In June, the MSCAA board approved five new public art selections, which were recommended by a selection committee led by the UrbanArt Commission (UAC). All of the submissions are led by local artists. The artwork includes a suspended sculpture project for the Southeast Concourse, wall-bound artwork at the security checkpoint, and three translucent glass artworks in the waiting areas between restrooms on the Concourse.
The multi-year, multi-phase plan will involve the modernization of the spine and east leg of MEM’s B Concourse as well as consolidation of all airline, retail, and food/beverage businesses into the remodeled concourse. The redesign will include the addition of wider corridors, moving walkways, larger boarding areas, higher ceilings and increased natural lighting. The project will also feature much-needed seismic upgrades.
Passengers can learn more about the modernization project at www.flymemphis.com/modernization or take a virtual tour at https://goo.gl/mFdLLk.
Project Highlights
Concourse features:
- Higher ceilings
- Increased natural light
- Wider corridors and larger gate areas
- Additional seating
- Additional moving walkways
- Additional amenities such as additional charging stations in gate areas
- Children’s play area
- Designed to modern seismic standards
- Stage for live music in the Rotunda area
- Additional lounge areas
Construction details:
- The stem and southeast leg of the B Concourse will be completely modernized.
- The southwest leg will only be utilized for international arriving flights and will not be redesigned during the first phase of modernization.
- There will be 23 gates available to airlines once the modernization of the B Concourse is completed. These 23 gates can accommodate about 3 million enplanements, about 50% more traffic than MEM’s pre-pandemic levels.
- Continued long-term growth at MEM could facilitate another modernization phase for the west leg of the B Concourse. This section contains about 15 more gates that could increase capacity to nearly 5.5 million annual enplanements.
Budget details
- The modernization project and associated enabling projects are expected to cost approximately $245 million.
- No local tax dollars will be used to fund the modernization project –the airport does not receive any local tax revenue.
- Project funding will include general airport revenue bonds, state and federal grants, passenger facility charges (PFCs) and other Authority capital funds.
After new concourse opens:
- Airlines will relocate to the B Concourse.
- The new B Concourse will feature new and enhanced retail and food options.
- Ticketing/check-in will continue in the A, B and C Terminals.
- Baggage claim for all airlines will be consolidated into the B baggage claim area, though the A and C baggage claim areas will remain open for passenger entrance and exit.
- Security screening is not anticipated to change and will primarily be consolidated to B, although a second security checkpoint at C will also be available for periods of heavy traffic.